Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Tick tock

It's that time of the year again. Competition season! June is almost done and dusted and once again I'm sitting here gobsmacked about where the time has gone.

The first cheerleading competition of the season, Winterfest, is 6 six days away. I am beyond excited. We've got a new team, new routine, new style and hopefully flare!

The rules of collegiate cheer have changed, AASCF (Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation) decided to make the structure more Americanised. I miss jumps and the chant; smack bang in the centre of the routine leaves me out of breath time. Which serves as a reminder that I should step up my fitness. 

Stepping onto the floor with a new team for the first time is daunting. It's like when you have to part with your favourite pair of jeans; they're comfortable, you know they make your ass look great and the wear and tear come from late night antics, that time we had to jump a fence and hilarious i-just-spilled-goon-all-over-the-table moments. My old team comes with it all. I feel comfortable with them. The cuts and bruises we endured are battle scars that have memories attached to them.  We clicked. 

Learning to trust a new pair of jeans is difficult. Do they make my ass look as good? 

Like any new team relationships are continually forming and changing. The dynamic of a team is essential. Particularly in a sport like cheerleading where the flow and trust between athletes is so important. Everyone has part to play and no stunt can go without every person being in sync. It is a wonderfully scary thing. I digress I am excited! 

Flashbacks to this time last year.

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